Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rochester's Native American Resource Center Visit

Mr. Perry Ground, from the Native American Resource Center came in to share a workshop called "Life in a Longhouse". This was an amazing presentation.

He explained to the stduents that he is a member of the ONONDONGA nation. The kids were facinated by all he had shared with them. He brought many artifacts that support the beliefs and traditions of the HAUDENOSAUNEE people.

This is a wampum belt that tells the story of the Iroquois Confederacy. The class will participate in the Wampum Workshop this week. Picture to follow.

Here is a deer skin that has been cleaned and stretched and oiled.

These are pelts that would be worn in the winter.

These are the 5 arrows bound together to symbolize what the Great Peacemaker told the Council Leaders concerning their need to join together in a peacful way (creating the 5 Nations of the HAUDENOSAUNEE).

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